Judul Buku : Project Based Learning for Higher Education ISBN : –
Penulis : Ni Nyoman Padmadewi
Luh Putu Artini
I Putu Andre Suhardiana Ahmad Zamzam
Ida Ayu Oka Purnami Putu Adi Krisna Juniarta Gede Mahendrayana
Editor : I Nyoman Sukadana
Desain Cover : Putu Ngurah Dandy Kharismawan dan I Ketut Sujana
Copy Right : September,2022 Penerbit : Undiksha Press
Jalan Udayana, Nomor 11 Singaraja, Bali Telp/Faks. (0362) 26327
Kode Pos 81116
Email : undiksha-press@undiksha.ac.id
Cetakan Pertama; September 2022
The book, as the name suggests, is about Project-Based Learning (PjBL). It was produced in the form of a general framework, which enables the lecturers to make changes to the book in order to increase creative opportunities for their students. It is tailored to the needs of instructors working in higher education. The book is broken up into two significant parts: the theoretical ideas of project-based learning and the practical material, which offers examples relevant to any instruments that are required to conduct project-based learning. The theoretical ideas of project-based learning are presented in the first part of the book, while the second part is more of an alternative set of examples. Both of these aspects are significant in and of themselves. The concepts are meant to supply the readers with information about the connected theories, while the examples are meant to provide the readers with some templates regarding instruments for planning as well as various extra instruments that are related to PjBL. The book is sufficiently adaptable that it can be used to teach either the content subject or language skills to students. Due to the fact that it is more of a general framework, it can also be useful for any instructors or lecturers who would like to implement project-based learning into their own personal teaching and learning process in schools. The book also offers technology-based techniques that provide lecturers and teachers with step-by-step directions on how to utilise the ideas in conjunction with technology. It is expected that the books will be a useful source both for lecturers in higher education as well as teachers in schools.
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